Daily Active Addresses Metric

Santiment Team

Daily Active Addresses

Daily Active Addresses for Bitcoin
Daily Active Addresses for Bitcoin

Canonical name



The number of distinct addresses that participated in a transfer for the given asset in any given day. Each address is counted only once for the day. Both the senders and the receivers of the asset are counted.

Measuring Unit


Frequency - Daily

One value is computed for each day and each asset. The day is taken according to the UTC timezone. So for example the value of the metric for BTC and June 10, 2019 will contain the number of distinct addresses for transfers that happened between 2019-06-10 00:00:00 UTC and 2019-06-10 23:59:59 UTC.

Computation time

The computation starts around 00:30 UTC each day. The final value of this metric is generally available around 00:40 UTC.

We also compute intermediate values. That means the number of addresses from the start of the day in UTC until the time the computation is ran. The intermediate computations start at 06:30 UTC, 12:30 UTC, 18:30 UTC. The intermediate values are generally available around 10 minutes after the computation starts.

Note: Since our Bitcoin latency is generally larger than 30 minutes and can go up to 2 hours, the value computed at 00:30 UTC might not be final. In that case the value computed at 6:30 UTC will be final.


For most assets latency is around 40 minutes. For Bitcoin the latency for the final value is usually 6 hours and 40 minutes. At 00:40 UTC you will get an approximate value which will exclude the addresses in the last up to 3 blocks.

Available assets

This metric is computed for Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Ripple and all ERC20 tokens.

How to access


You can access the metric on the On-chain metrics V2 dashboard.


The metric is available on Sanbase.

How to access Daily Active Addresses on Sanbase
How to access Daily Active Addresses on Sanbase


The metric is available on SanAPI:

  getMetric(metric:"daily_active_addresses") {
    timeseriesData(slug:"bitcoin", from:"2019-01-01T00:00:00Z", to:"2019-09-01T00:00:00Z",
    interval:"1d") {

Run in explorer


You can use SAN_ACTIVE_ADDRESSES function to get the data. Example:



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