EOS onchain Dashboards

Santiment team


EOS on-chain metrics

Those are multiple EOS on-chain metrics available through Dashboards. To access them visit:


EOS Find Dashboards
EOS Find Dashboards

EOS stats

EOS Stats
EOS Stats

Some generic statistics. They are currently slow to load if a huge interval is used.

Five most active contracts

The number of actions on the five most active EOS contracts. All types of actions, including internal ones are counted.

Total number of actions

The total number of actions on the blockchain. Can be used as a metric for overall activity.

Number of active contracts

The number of contracts on which there has been any activity for a time period. The time period can be changed through IntervalHours variable.

Transaction volume of Currency

The transaction volume of a currency on a contract for a time period. The three variables are considered Project, Currency and IntervalHours. Calculates the sum of the volume transferred for the specified currency for the specified time period.

Active addresses of Currency

The number of unique users transferring a currency for a time period. The three variables are considered Project, Currency and IntervalHours.

EOS health stats

EOS Health Stats
EOS Health Stats

Some statistics which can be interpreted as how well the EOS blockchain is being adopted.

Note: Currently too slow for larger time intervals.

Number unique voters

The number of unique users who have voted for a time interval Interval

Number unique contracts deployed

The number of contract deployments for a time interval Interval

Historic spending on EOS Ram

Amount of EOS spent for buying the EOS Ram resource through time.

EOS Staking

EOS Staking
EOS Staking

Metrics related to the staking and voting.

Historic EOS Staking

Amount of EOS being staked through time.

Daily block producers rewards

Amount in EOS earned by block producers per day.

Reward distributed in time period

Pie chart showing reward distributed to top block producers.

Total reward distributed in period

Total EOS being rewarded to block producers for the time period of the dashboard.

EOS Balances

EOS Balances
EOS Balances

A tool to monitor the historic balance of an address in a specific EOS currency.

EOS Stats contract

EOS Stats contract
EOS Stats contract

Total actions volume per contract

The number of actions happening for Interval for contract ContractName.

Most common five actions for ContractName

The five most common actions for the specified contract.

Number of active users for ContractName

The number of active users of the specified contract for the specified Interval.

EOS Top Holders

EOS Top Holders
EOS Top Holders

Dashboard showing the Top holders for the selected EOS currency.

EOS Top Voted

EOS Top Voted
EOS Top Voted

Top 10 Voted for

The top 10 voted for producers through time. In the Details table a list of the first hundred can be seen along with details.

EOS Staked vs EOS Voted vs Top voted producer

A graphic comparing all the staked EOS vs all EOS voted with and also all the EOS received by the top voted producer.

Top voters per producer

For the selected producer Producer show the top voters ordered by their vote weight.