For a more in-depth explanation of 'Velocity of Tokens' on Sandata, please click here. For a video breakdown of Transaction Volume and Token Velocity on Sandata, click here.
Fetch token velocity for a project, grouped by interval. Projects are referred to by a unique identifier (slug).
Similar to velocity of money, Token Velocity is the frequency at which tokens change wallets in a given interval of time. This metric is derived by dividing transaction volume by the number of tokens in circulation, to get the average number of times a token changes hands each day.
This metric is calculated daily, so the interval should represent whole days.
Grouping by interval works by taking the mean of all daily results over the interval.
tokenVelocity(from: "2019-05-09T11:25:04.894Z", interval: "1d", slug: "ethereum", to: "2019-06-23T11:25:04.894Z") {
Run in terminal