The goal of this article is to present an algorithm which can answer many questions about behaviour of classes of addresses on the blockchain. Here are some example questions that we would like to be able to answer:
To be able to answer questions like these we need to be able to track traffic between different classes of addresses. Santiment keeps track of ICO team wallets and of hot and cold exchange wallets. But those lists of wallets in themselves are not sufficient. In practice many of the transfers that interest us are performed using several transactions. This is happening for technical reasons and it can obscure the global picture.
Consider the following example: Alice just made a very successful ICO and collected 10 ETH in her wallet. She wants to sell all this ETH for USD on Bob’s exchange. Assume that Alice’s address is \(A\) and Bob’s exchange hot wallet has address \(B\). Normally Alice will not transfer directly from \(A\) to \(B\). Instead Bob will create for her a deposit address \(D\). This address is controlled by Bob, but he knows that any money deposited to \(D\) will belong to Alice. So Alice then makes a transaction of 10 ETH \(A\to D\), and later Bob makes another transaction (of almost 10 ETH) \(D\to B\). The deposit address \(D\) can be used only once so it is not easy to detect such addresses on the blockchain on time.
At Santiment we can find out the addresses \(A\) and \(B\). We can tag \(A\) as an ICO address and \(B\) as an exchange address. But if we just look at the transfers we won’t notice any direct transaction from \(A\) to \(B\). Instead we will notice two transactions: one from an ICO address to an unlabeled address, and another from an unlabeled address to an exchange address. So we won’t be able to detect what is the volume of ICO money going to exchanges.
We will describe here an algorithm that will allow us to overcome this problem. The main insight for the given example is that the transfers \(A \to D\) and \(D \to B\) happen within a short timespan. So we will attempt to track how a given amount moves between addresses when all relevant transactions are happening within a short timespan. In our case the money that went to \(B\) came from \(A\), so its path was \(ADB\). The first address of the path was for ICO funds and the last was an exchange address. In our case there is a value associated to this path, namely 10 ETH. With the algorithm that we describe below it will be possible to estimate the total volume associated to paths where the first address is an ICO address and the last is an exchange address. This will give us an estimate how much ICO money is going to exchanges.
To be able to do this we are going to modify the transaction stack algorithm to track paths of coins.
We will assume that we are dealing with tracking Ether. However the same method will also work for other assets like e.g. ERC20 tokens. With small modifications it can also be translated to UTXO-based blockchains (like Bitcoin).
Let \(\mathbf{B}\) denote the set of all blocks, and let \(\mathbf{T}\) denote time. For each block we have a timestamp function
\[ \mathrm{T}:\mathbf{B}\to\mathbf{T} \]
Let \(\mathbf{Tx}\) denote the set of all transactions. Each transaction is assigned to a block, so we have a function
\[ \mathrm{B}:\mathbf{Tx}\to\mathbf{B} \]
This means that we can associate a timestamp to each transaction. Technically this timestamp is given by the function \(\mathrm{T}\circ \mathrm{B}\) but we will denote it again by \(\mathrm{T}\).
The set of blocks is totally ordered, and within each block the set of transactions is totally ordered. This means that we have a total ordering of \(\mathbf{Tx}\) and we can just assume for simplicity that the transactions there are numbered \(0,1,2,\dots\). We can think of transaction \(0\) as the transaction which sets up the genesis block. We will just identify the transactions with their number in this ordering.
We will denote the set of all accounts by \(\mathbf{A}\). At any point in time an account has a balance. Actually the balance does not depend on the timestamp, but on the current transaction. For transaction \(n\) we can define a function
\[ \mathrm{bal}_n:\mathbf{A}\to\mathbf{R} \]
which gives us the balance for each account after transaction \(n\) has been processed.
Let \(\mathcal{A}\) denote the free monoid generated by \(\mathbf{A}\). In other words, \(\mathcal{A}\) is the set of all finite sequences of addresses including the empty sequence. We will also call those paths. The fact that \(\mathcal{A}\) is a monoid simply means that we have a binary operation on \(\mathcal{A}\) which for any pair of paths returns their concatenation.
It is impractical to track all paths of addresses. Instead we would classify addresses into several categories. We would then attempt to reduce the whole set of paths to a finite set which is somehow constructed from those categories. In order to do that we need to be able to map the concatenation operation into some similar operation over those categories. Below we’ll describe how to do this formally.
Let \(\mathcal{C}\) be a monoid, and let \(C:\mathbf{A}\to \mathcal{C}\) be a function. Since \(\mathcal{A}\) is the free monoid over \(\mathbf{A}\), the map \(C\) can be uniquely extended into a monoid homomorphism:
\[ C:\mathcal{A}\to\mathcal{C} \]
We will call the map \(C\) a classification map of \(\mathbf{A}\). The elements of \(\mathcal{C}\) will be called path classes or just classes.
Let \(\mathcal{C} = \{ 1, e, n, en, ne\}\). We can define a binary operation \(\times\) on \(\mathcal{C}\) as follows:
\[ \begin{split} 1 \times x = x \times 1 = x\\ e \times e = e \times ne = en \times e = en \times ne = e\\ n \times n = n \times en = ne \times n= ne \times en = n\\ e \times n = e\times en = en \times n = en \times en = en\\ n \times e = n \times ne = ne \times e = ne \times ne = ne \end{split} \]
With this operation \(\mathcal{C}\) becomes a monoid.
Let \(C:\mathbf{A} \to \mathcal{C}\) be defined as follows:
\[ C: a \mapsto \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} e, &\textrm{if $a$ is an exchange wallet,}\\ n, &\textrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \]
This induces a map \(C:\mathcal{A}\to\mathcal{C}\) whose meaning is the following:
\[ C: p \mapsto \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, &\textrm{if $p$ is the empty path,}\\ e, &\textrm{if $p$ starts at an exchange and ends at an exchange,}\\ n, &\textrm{if $p$ starts at a non-exchange and ends at a non-exchange,}\\ en, &\textrm{if $p$ starts at an exchange and ends at a non-exchange,}\\ ne &\textrm{if $p$ starts at a non-exchange and ends at an exchange.} \end{array} \right. \]
You can see how we can express arbitrary conditions on the paths using monoids and classification maps.
We are intereted in tracking volumes that travel along different class paths. A certain amount arriving at address \(a\) might have arrived along different path classes. To express the distribution of the volume along path classes we will have to use a mapping from the available path classes to the real numbers. In this section we define those mappings formally and describe some structures on them that we’ll use later.
So we define the set of finitely supported class functions (or class functions) as follows:
\[ \mathcal{C}^\vee := \{ f:\mathcal{C}\to \mathbf{R} \textrm{, such that $f$ has finite support}\} \]
Let us define for every class \(c\in \mathcal{C}\) the indicator class function \(\sigma_c\):
\[ \sigma_c (c') = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, &\text{if } c' = c,\\ 0, &\text{if } c' \neq c. \end{array} \right. \]
Then every class function \(f\) can be represented as a linear combination of indicator functions:
\[ f = \sum_{c\in\mathcal{C}} f(c)\sigma_c \]
The fact that \(f\) is finitely-supported implies that the coefficients \(f(c)\) are non-zero for only finitely many classes \(c\). Note that if \(\mathcal{C}\) is finite of size \(k\), then the set of the class functions is just a \(k\)-dimensional vector space.
The fact that \(\mathcal{C}\) is a monoid introduces certain structures on the set of class functions. We will need later one such structure. Each class \(c\) induces a right action on the set of class functions as follows:
\[ c: f \mapsto f^c, \text{ where } f^c := \sum_{c'\in\mathcal{C}}f(c')\sigma_{c'c} \]
The original transaction stack account model allows us to split at any point in time the whole Ethereum pool into segments. We will first present the original formalism here and then will describe the modification which is require for our purposes.
The Ethereum in each account is split into segments according to the block number at which the given segment of Ethereum arrived in the given account. So at each account \(a\in\mathbf{A}\) we have a set \(\{(n_1,v_1),\dots,(n_k,v_k)\}\), where \(n_1,\dots,n_k\) are the transactions at which the corresponding values \(v_1,\dots,v_k\) arrived at the given address. We will call those transactions, the originating transaction for a given segment. The sum \(v_1+\cdots+v_k\) will be equal to the current balance of the given account.
It follows that for each transaction \(n\) we have a set
\[ S_n \subset \mathbf{A}\times \mathbf{Tx}\times \mathbf{R} \]
which describes the segmentation after transaction \(n\) has been processed.
For every \(s\in S_n\) we can define functions \(\mathrm{A}(s)\), \(\mathrm{Tx}(s)\), \(\mathrm{V}(s)\) which give us the respective account, originating transaction and value. We can also define a timestamp function \(\mathrm{T}(s) := \mathrm{T}(\mathrm{Tx}(s))\).
The specific account model gives us an iterative process which using \(S_n\) and transaction \(n+1\) allows us to compute \(S_{n+1}\). Usually the difference between \(S_{n+1}\) and \(S_n\) is relatively small - one or more elements from \(S_n\) are deleted and then one or more (maximum two for the transaction stack model) are added. Let’s make the following definitions:
\[ \mathrm{Del}_{n+1} := S_n \setminus S_{n+1} \ \text{- Elements that need to be deleted from $S_n$} \\ \mathrm{Add}_{n+1}:= S_{n+1} \setminus S_n \ \text{- Elements that need to be added to $S_n$} \\ \mathrm{Diff}_{n+1}:= (\mathrm{Del}_{n+1}, \mathrm{Add}_{n+1}) \]
In order to compute \(S_{n+1}\) in practice we compute \(\mathrm{Diff}_{n+1}\) from \(S_n\) and the transaction \(n+1\) and then we apply it to \(S_n\) to get the result. We shall call \(\mathrm{Diff}_n\) the model update at transaction \(n\)
Next we will describe how to add information to the segments in \(S_n\) which tracks the history of the coins and how this information can be updated with each transaction. Let us from now on fix a classification \(\mathrm{C}:\mathbf{A}\to\mathcal{C}\). For any given segment \(s\) the coins have arrived to \(s\) using paths from different classes. For each path class there is a certain amount of coins that have arrived via paths from this class. The sum of those amount over all path classes will be equal to \(V(s)\) – the total amount contained in the segment \(s\).
We will only be interetend in tracking short-term paths. For that reason we will have to restrict the duration over which we need to keep the history. Let us then fix such a duration \(\Delta\). In practice this duration will usually be just 24 hours.
To formalise this idea we define the augmented account model to consist of the duration \(\Delta\) and a pair \((S_n, H_n)\) for every transaction \(n\), where \(S_n\) is defined as before and \(H_n\) is a function
\[ H_n:S_n\to \mathcal{C}^\vee, \]
such that for every \(s\in S_n\) we have
\[ \sum_{c\in\mathcal{C}}H_n(s)(c) = \mathrm{V}(s) \]
We will call \(H_n\) a history function.
For every \(s\), \(H_n(s)\) records the history of the coins that arrived to the segment \(s\). There is a trivial history function which we can construct from \(S_n\), and which contains no history data at all. Namely we can define
\[ H^{triv}(s)(c) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} V(s), &\text {if } c = \mathrm{C}(\mathrm{A}(s))\\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \]
We will next show how from \(H_n\) and the object \(\mathrm{Diff}_{n+1}\) defined above we can construct \(H_{n+1}\).
Recall that we are only interested in the short-term history. We do not care if for example the coins in a certain segment spent some time in an exchange several months ago. So we must introduce a mechanism for forgetting old history. The way we do this forgetting is as follows: Let’s say that we need now to compute \(H_{n+1}\) using \(H_n\). Instead of using \(H_n\) directly we are going to replace it with the following function:
\[ H'_n(s) := \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} H^{triv}(s), &\text{if } T(n+1)-T(s) \geq \Delta\\ H_n(s), &\text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \]
So if the segment \(s\) is sufficiently old, we will simply forget its history.
Let us define the following subsets of \(\mathrm{Add}_{n+1}\):
\[ \begin{split} \mathrm{New}_{n+1} &:= \{s\in \mathrm{Add}_{n+1} : \mathrm{Tx}(s) = n+1\}\\ \mathrm{Rem}_{n+1} &:= \mathrm{Add}_{n+1} \setminus \mathrm{New}_{n+1} \end{split} \]
Namely \(\mathrm{New}_{n+1}\) are all the segments containing the newly transferred coins in the recepient account(s) and \(\mathrm{Rem}_{n+1}\) contain remainder from old segments which were not fully spent. Note that according to the way the transaction stack model works, for every \(s\in\mathrm{Rem}_{n+1}\) there is a unique segment \(pred(s)\in S_n\) such that \(\mathrm{Tx}(pred(s)) = \mathrm{Tx}(s)\) and \(\mathrm{A}(pred(s)) = \mathrm{A}(s)\). In that case \(pred(s)\) is a segment which was not fully spent, and whose remainder is left in \(s\).
\[ \begin{split} Tot &:= \sum_{s\in\mathrm{New}_{n+1}}\mathrm{V}(s)\\ H^{Del} &:= \sum_{s\in Del_{n+1}} H'_n(s) \\ H^{Rem}(s) &:= \frac{\mathrm{V}(s)}{\mathrm{V}(pred(s))}H'_n(pred(s))\\ H &:= H^{Del} - \sum_{s\in \mathrm{Rem}_{n+1}}H^{Rem}(s) \end{split} \]
Here \(H\) is a class function. Recall that for class functions we had defined a right action by the classes. Then we can set
\[ H_{n+1}(s) := \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} H_n'(s), &\text{if } s\in S_n\cap S_{n+1},\\ H^{Rem}(s), &\text{if } s\in \mathrm{Rem}_{n+1},\\ \frac{\mathrm{V}(s)}{Tot}H^{\mathrm{C}(\mathrm{A}(s))}, &\text{if } s\in \mathrm{New}_{n+1}. \end{array} \right. \]
(For the stack account model there is exactly one segment in \(\mathrm{New}_{n+1}\) and at most one segment in \(\mathrm{Rem}_{n+1}\) which can simplify the formulas above. But for blockchains like Bitcoin where one transaction can have multiple inputs and outputs those sets can be larger.)
The meaning of the monoid action in the last line of the formula is the following: We take the history of the segments that were spent and to each created new segment we assign this history after we have appended the address of the segment at the end of all historical paths.
What would happen if we didn’t use the forgetful function \(H'\) in the above definitions? In that case the history function \(H_n(s)\) will contain older history for the coins in \(s\). For example if we use the trivial history function at transaction 0, and then we update the history functions as given above, \(H_n(s)\) will contain the complete history of the coins in \(s\) since their creation. We can however also use this alternative model for tracking short-term history. For example we can start with the trivial history function at the start of a given day and proceed with the history updates until the day is finished. At the end the history functions for the resulting segments will contain only information for paths of coins that moved within that day.
We are not really interested in the history functions themselves but rather would to track the volumes across the whole network. To do this we define the following path volume metric as the sum of the history functions over all recent segments:
\[ PV_n := \sum_{s\in S_n \\ T(n) - T(s) < \Delta} H_n(s) \]
The path volume metric is a class function which to every class path associates the total volume of coins that travelled along that path.
We are next going to describe an efficient algorithm for computing \(PV_n\). The basic algorithm is the same as the algorithm for computing the token circulation
Let us fix \(t=T(n)\). We have
\[ PV_n = \sum_{t-\Delta < \tau \leq t}f_n(\tau) \]
\[ f_n(\tau) := \sum_{s\in S_n \\ T(s) = \tau} H_n(s) \]
\[ g_{n+1}(\tau) := -\sum_{s\in\mathrm{Del}_{n+1} \\ T(s)=\tau} H_n(s) + \sum_{s\in \mathrm{Add}_{n+1} \\ T(s) = \tau} H_{n+1}(s) \]
Let \(\delta := T(n+1)-T(n)\). Then for \(\tau > t+\delta - \Delta\) we have
\[ f_{n+1} = f_n + g_{n+1}. \]
Let \(\delta := T(n+1) - T(n)\). The following recursive formula holds for the path volume metric:
\[ PV_{n+1} = PV_{n} - \sum_{t-\Delta <\tau \leq t+\delta-\Delta} f_n(\tau) - \sum_{s\in\mathrm{Del}_{n+1} \\ t+\delta - \Delta < \tau \leq t} H_n(s) + \sum_{s\in\mathrm{Add}_{n+1} \\ t+\delta - \Delta < \tau \leq t+\delta} H_{n+1}(s) \]