Main page
Santiment team
Tzanko’s old articles
Intercom articles
Getting started
Metrics explained
This is the main docs page
Daily active addresses
Emerging trends
Social data
Social volume metrics
Sentiment metrics
Access plans
API reference
Available queries
Available metrics
EOS on-chain Grafana metrics
Tzanko’s old articles
Mean coin age
Short term coin paths
Transaction stack part 1
Intercom articles
What you can currently do with your SAN tokens
How to create an API key
How to buy SAN tokens using our Bancor integration
Requesting new projects and their tokens to be displayed on Sanbase
Getting started
Get started
Current products of Santiment
Useful links
Logging into Sanbase
Navigating through Sanbase
The ‘Assets’ page
Social Trends
Word context
Emerging social trends
Account settings
Categories and Watchlists
Navigating through Sandata
The ERC-20 overview page
The ‘On-chain metrics’ overview page
SAN tokens and MetaMask
How to Buy SAN
How to stake SAN
Sanbase API
Using the Sanbase API explorer
Using the Sanbase API from the command line
Getting started using Santiment’s API
Setting up Sansheets
Adding an API key to Sansheets
Metrics explained
Metrics we offer
Metric ‘Developer Activity’
Metric ‘Daily Active Addresses’
Metric ‘Network Growth’
Metric ‘Token Age Consumed’
Metric ‘Average Token Age Consumed in Days’
Metric ‘Exchange Flow Balance’
Metric ‘Exchange Flow’
Metric ‘Transaction Volume’
Beta Metric ‘Token Circulation’
Beta Metric ‘Velocity of Tokens’
Metric ‘Top 100 Transactions’
Metric ‘MVRV Ratio’
Metric ‘NVT Ratio’
Social Metric ‘Topic Search’
Social Metric ‘Relative Social Dominance’
Social Metric ‘Social Data Feed’
Social Metric ‘Social Volume’
Metrics about ‘Deposit Addresses’
Metric ‘Daily Active Deposits’
Metric ‘Share of Daily Active Deposits in Total Daily Active Addresses’
Metric ‘Deposit-related Transactions’
Metric ‘Share of Deposit Transactions in Total Transactions’
Metrics about ‘Top Holders’
Metric ‘Top Holders - Balance’
Metric ‘Top Holders - Percent of Total Supply’
Metric ‘Top Holders - Changes’
Metric ‘Top Holders - Details’
API of Metric ‘Daily Active Addresses’
API of Metric ‘Network Growth’
API of Metric ‘Token Age Consumed’
API of Metric ‘Average Token Age Consumed in Days’
API of Metric ‘Transaction Volume’
API of Metric ‘Exchange Funds Flow’
API of Metric ‘Percentage of Token Supply on Exchanges’
API of Metric ‘Developer Activity’
API of Metric ‘Velocity of Tokens’
API of Metric ‘Token Circulation’
API of Metric ‘Realized Value’
API of Metric ‘MVRV Ratio’
API of Metric ‘NVT Ratio’
API of Metric ‘Daily Active Deposits’
API of Social Metric ‘Social Volume’
API of Social Metric ‘Social Dominance’
API of Social Metric ‘Topic Search’
API of Social Metric ‘Trending Words’
API of Social Metric ‘Top Social Gainers / Losers’
API of Metric ‘History Price’
API of Metric ‘OHLC’
Full list of available Sansheets functions